Finetuning the Mask R-CNN Model
PV Hawk uses Mask R-CNN for instance segmentation of PV modules in IR/RGB video frames. It is pretrained on a large PV module dataset. However, if you encounter issues with the accuracy of the Mask R-CNN model, you may wish to fine-tune the model on your own dataset. For this, we recommend annotating data using the Grid Annotation Tool. Data labelled with this tool can be directly used for training the Mask R-CNN model.
To train/fine-tune Mask R-CNN run the Docker container as described here and start jupyter lab inside the Docker shell with
jupyter lab --allow-root --ip= --port=8888
Note, that the port number must match the port forwarded when starting the Docker container. Depending on the location of your training dataset, you may have to add another mapping statement (–mount type=bind,src=…,dst=…) to the Docker run command to map your training dataset into the container.
Open the displayed URL in the web browser on your machine. In jupyter lab navigate to extractor/segmentation and open the train.ipynb notebook.
Prior to training the model with this script, you need to edit the DATASET_TRAIN_PATH, DATASET_VAL_PATH in the training config in extractor/segmentation/ The paths refer to the location in the Docker container to which you mapped your training dataset when starting the Docker container. You may also have to change the MEAN_PIXEL values.
The training dataset should contain the following two folders:
images_radiometric: Your custom 16-bit IR video frames or 8-bit RGB video frames containing PV modules.
annotations: JSON file for each image with annotated PV modules. The annotation can be created with the Grid Annotation Tool.
If you want to start training from MS COCO pretrained weights, you can download the corresponding weights file from here and move it to extractor/segmentation/Mask_RCNN.
After training weights of the new model will be available in extractor/segmentation/Mask_RCNN/ logs/pv_modules<timestamp>/mask_rcnn_pv_modules_<epoch>.h5 where <timestamp> is the timestamp at the beginning of training and <epoch> the number of epochs the model was trained. To use the newly trained model set the WEIGHTS_FILE parameter in extractor/segmentation/ to the path of the *.h5 weights file.