Output Directory Structure
After completing a processing task a new subdirectory with results of that task will be created under the work_dir specified in the config file. E.g. after running the segment_pv_modules tasks, there will be a new directory called segmented. Whenever you rerun a task, the respective subdirectory is deleted automatically before that task starts.
Note, that the directory tree below only shows important files and subdirectories. We will briefly explain them below.
|-- config.yml
|-- splitted
| |-- timestamps.csv
| |-- gps
| | |-- gps.json
| | |-- gps_orig.json
| |-- radiometric
| | |-- frame_000000.tiff
| | |-- frame_000001.tiff
| | |-- ...
| |-- rgb
| | |-- frame_000000.jpg
| | |-- frame_000001.jpg
| | |-- ...
|-- segmented
| |-- preview.avi
| |-- ...
|-- tracking
| |-- preview.avi
| |-- tracks.csv
|-- quadrilaterals
| |-- quadrilaterals.pkl
|-- mapping
| |-- cluster_000000
| | |-- reconstruction.json
| | |-- ...
| |-- cluster_000001
| | |-- reconstruction.json
| | |-- ...
| |-- ...
| |-- module_geolocations_refined.geojson
| |-- ...
|-- patches
| |-- radiometric
| | |-- 840d60c7-e634-45be-9043-48110873c8e4
| | | |-- frame_010401_mask_000010.tiff
| | | |-- frame_010402_mask_000009.tiff
| | | |-- frame_010403_mask_000007.tiff
| | | |-- ...
| | |-- 05bee5f1-9d66-4ac7-aee4-c724d59663b1
| | | |-- ...
| | |-- ...
splitted (split_sequences, interpolate_gps)
Contains the individual IR/RGB video frames as 16-bit TIFF images / 8-bit JPG images and their corresponding GPS longitude, latitude, and altitude (in this order) in the gps.json file. The timestamps.csv contains timestamps of each video frame.
If you ran the interpolate_gps step, the content of the original gps.json has been moved into gps_orig.json and the gps.json contains the interpolated GPS trajectory.
segmented (segment_pv_modules)
Contains results of the Mask R-CNN instance segmentation model applied to each video frame. Specifically, this directory contains binary segmentation masks of PV modules, bounding boxes and preview images. To validate correctness of the instance segmentation you can look at the preview video in preview.avi.
tracking (track_pv_modules)
Contains the results of PV module tracking over subsequent video frames. The tracks.csv contains the frame name, mask name, tracking ID, and module center point in the image (x, y in pixels). Each PV module has a unique tracking ID that stays constant over subsequent video frame, in which the module is visible. To validate correctness of the module tracking you can look at the preview video in tracks_preview.avi.
quadrilaterals (compute_pv_module_quadrilaterals)
Contains the quadrilaterals.pkl Python pickle file. This file contains for every segmented module in every frame the image coordinates i) of the module center point, and ii) of the bounding quadrilateral that was fit to the module’s segmentation mask.
mapping (prepare_opensfm, …, refine_triangulation)
Contains the inputs and outputs of the tasks relating to the georeferencing of PV modules, which is performed using OpenSfM. For each cluster configured in the config file there is a subdirectory, which contains the OpenSfM dataset for that cluster and which has the structure described here. Most notably, each of these subdirectories contains the reconstruction.json file with the reconstructed camera poses and 3D map points produced by OpenSfM. The main result stored in the mapping directory is a GeoJSON file module_geolocations_refined.geojson. This file follows the GeoJSON specification and contains a feature collection of polygons and points for each PV module. The polygon resembles the longitude, latitude and altitude of the four corner points of the PV module in WGS 84 coordinates. The point is the geocoordinate of the module’s center point. Each polygon and each point have a track_id property, which is the tracking ID of the respective PV module.
patches (crop_pv_modules)
Contains the cropped and rectified image patches of each PV module as 16-bit TIFF images. For each PV module there is a directory named after the module’s tracking ID, which contains the individual image patches showing the same module in subsequent video frames.